When posting a GCR Journal - Error Cannot insert the value NULL into column DepositNumber

Description of Issue
  • When posting a GCR Journal received:

Error Program stopped at 'glcjeent_prints.4gl', line number 2449.

SQL statement error number -6372 (-50000). [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DepositNumber', table 'munprod.dbo.JournalsByARDeposits'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. 

  • Posting GCR Journal in General Journal/Proof with a Blank Ref field 3 error occurs.

  • Posted GCR journal is not pulling into Bank Reconciliation.

    • Create Items has been run - Bank Reconciliation Classic only

    • Journal was posted to GL cash account tied to Bank Code/Bank Account 

  • Journal Imports

  • General Journal Entry/Proof

  • Bank Reconciliation 


This is an error in Bank Reconciliation table. The journal post process still completes.

  • MUN-423686 is currently open with development to address this issue.

  • The current workaround is to populate the Reference 3 field in the journal header before posting. 

  • Please report instances of this error to General Ledger Support.

Additional Information

If this error occurs, the GCR journal may not surface in Bank Reconciliation.Â