Non Cash Life over 50 pay code is calculating using 26 pays instead of 24

Description of Issue

The non cash pay code for life over 50k is not calculating based on 24 pays with cycle 1 and cycle 2 checked on the deduction. It appears to still be calculating using 26 pays. 

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Deduction and Benefit Master
  • Employee Deductions 
  • Payroll Control Settings
  • Employee Job/Salary

The Payroll Control Setting for Insurance - Annualize Calculations was set to Y so it was using the Number of Pays in Employee Job/Salary (26) instead of looking to the cycles on the Deduction.  

  1. Go to Payroll Control Settings (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings)
  2. Double click the setting for Insurance - Annualize Calculations.
  3. Click Update. Define the Value filed from Y to N. Click Accept
    1. With the setting set to N, it looks to the cycles instead of the number of pays in Employee Job/Salary.
  4. Use How to calculate non-cash pay code for Life Insurance over 50k for a more detailed break down of the calculations.
Additional Information

When making this change, it is recommended to first test in a non-prod environment as the Payroll Control Settings will impact all employees.