User is able to post budget amendments when user should be restricted - Post Amendments was checked on role

Description of Issue
  • User is able to post budget transfers and amendments

  • User should be restricted from posting

  • User has Post Amendments checked on role(s)


Budget Transfers & Amendments
Accounting Entries
User Attributes


Post Amendments was checked on role


To prevent user from posting budget transfers and amendments:

System Administration > Security > User Attributes 

  1. Search for the User ID that needs to be adjusted

  2. Highlight the desired role and click Edit Role (affects all users tied to role)

  3. Click  Budget folder

  4. Click Update

  5. Check the box next to Post Amendments

  6. Click Accept

  7. End user must reopen the transaction program for changes to take effect

Additional Information

If Account restriction for users with multiple roles is set to Inclusive in General Ledger Settings and user has more than one role assigned, the Post Amendments setting must be unchecked on every role.

If Account restriction for users with multiple roles is set to Exclusive in General Ledger Settings and user has more than one role assigned, the Post Amendments setting must be unchecked on at least one role.

General Ledger settings can be found here: 

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set/Up Chart of Accounts > General Ledger Settings