Specific Day Of The Week Rules Engine

Specific Day Of The Week Rules Engine

Description of Issue

Can a rules engine be configured for a specific day of the week only?

  • ExecuTime

  • ET

  • Rules Engine



The rules engine can be configured to only look at a specific day of the week. Please see the following example:

  1. Select System Admin

  2. Select Policies & Rules Engine

  3. Select Rules Engine

  4. Select Individual Rules

  5. Select the + icon

  6. Fill in a Name for the rule

  7. Add a Description if desired

  8. Fill in the Start Time and End Time of the rule

  9. Check Append to Time if you want the rule to apply in addition to the original entry and leave unchecked if you want the rule to replace the original entry

  10. Check Continuous Time if you would like the rule to continue applying past the configured End Time if the employee is still working

  11. Check Post Policy Processing if you would like for the Overtime/Comptime policies to apply before the rule applies

  12. Under the When section, select Sunday Transaction from the second rule drop down menu

  13. Select == from the Comparison drop down menu

  14. Enter true for the Comparison field (this field is case sensitive and must be all lowercase)

  15. Under the Then section, select Set Pay Code To Name

  16. Enter the appropriate pay code in the field labeled Pay Code

  17. Select Save

Additional Information