Check Advice Sort Seq field Options in Payroll Run Control does not match Options in Print Payroll Checks Advices Steps

Description of Issue

The Check/Advice Sort Seq options in Payroll Control Settings under Run Control do not match the options within the Print Payroll Checks or Advices steps in the Payroll. 

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Print Payroll Checks

  • Print Payroll Advices

  •  Payroll Control Settings

  • Run Control


System Defect.


Install applicable work ticket when completed. (This will be included in EERP versions 2021.12 and higher)

MUN-134044 - 2021.12.0.0

Workaround is to define the option within the Print Payroll Advices and Print Payroll Checks steps and it will default going forward for that User and Payroll Run Type. 

Additional Information