Payroll Encumbrance Proof Post is Showing Duplicate Remaining Salary Amounts

Description of Issue

When running the Encumbrance Proof/Post the proof report is showing almost all of my employees with their remaining salaries twice for the same amounts. The only thing different is we started using Position Control recently. 

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Encumbering

  • Encumbrance Proof/Post

  • Employee Job/Salary


The Exclude Inactive Pays option was not checked with an Option of Inactive Dates or Both. 

The employees had an end dated Job/Salary record with Position 0 with the Reference Salary amount and a current with the same Reference Salary amount so both will pull into the Encumbrance Proof/Post unless the Exclude Inactive Pays option is Checked with the Exclude Dates or Both option (Both Dates and Status)

  1. From the Encumbrance Proof Post Screen (Payroll>End of Period>Payroll Encumbering. Click Encumbrance Proof/Post) 

  2. Click Define. Define applicable fields. 

  3. Confirm the Effective Date is after the most current Job/Salary instance. 

  4. Check the box for Exclude Inactive Pays.

  5. In the drop down select the applicable Option. 

    1. Inactive Dates - Excludes End Dated Job/Salary records with dates prior to the Effective Date above.

    2. Inactive Status - Excludes Pay Status Set to Inactive

    3. Both - Excludes both Inactive Dates and Pays. 

Additional Information
  • When Employees move from one  Position to another and are no longer working the old Position, that record in Job/Salary gets end Dated (Example End Date 1/13/2024) and since Encumbering is not Effective Dated yet, the Remaining Salary will still display on the End Dated record. 

  • The new Job/Position will have a new effective date (Example 1/14/2024) with the current Remaining Salary. 

  • When the Encumbrance Proof/Post is processed, the Effective Date needs to be after the Effective Date of the current Job/Salary records and the checkbox for Exclude Inactive Pays needs to be checked with the applicable option to exclude the prior Position record's Remaining Salary amounts.Â