Creating County Codes drop down for VSS

Creating County Codes drop down for VSS

Description of Issue

In VSS,  the County Codes drop down list is blank. How do we create county codes to show in the VSS county drop down list?

  • VSS
  • Informational
  • County codes does not exist in Munis
  1. Navigate to Financials > Accounts Payable > Invoice Inquiry and Reports > Sales Tax Functions > NC County Codes
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter the following information in relevant fields. (All Fields are required - Sales tax rate can be set to 0.00)


    Contains a code for the county.

    The code can be alphanumeric, but all alpha characters must be uppercase letters.


    Specifies the name of the county or other code description.

    You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

    Short Desc

    Provides a truncated version of the description.

    The short description can contain up to 10 alphanumeric characters.

    Sales Tax Rate

    Stores the sales tax rate for the selected county.

Additional Information