Bank Reconciliation Manager - How is the Balance Per General Ledger value calculated

Description of Issue

How is the Balance Per General Ledger value calculated?


Bank Reconciliation Manager

Reconcile Screen


The Balance Per General Ledger value is calculated by summing all Posted journals to the cash account(s) tied to the reconciliation record's bank account from the start of the fiscal year that the reconciliation record exists in, to the end of the reconciliation record. 


Additional Information

For a July/June fiscal year, a bank reconciliation record with a date of 11/1/23 to11/30/23 would be a sum of all posted posted journals on the Bank Account's Cash Account(s) with effective dates greater than or equal to 07/01/2023 and equal to or less than 11/30/2023.

Validation of this value can be done through the Balance Sheet Report or by exporting the cash account detail from Account Inquiry and summing from excel.

Bank Reconciliation Manager - Balance per general ledger amount is incorrect when bank account includes multiple GL accounts that have carried SOY balances