Scheduler job stuck in Running status - Scheduler status is not Online

Description of Issue
  • ExecuTime scheduler job did not process.

  • Scheduler stuck in Sleeping status.

  • Scheduler stuck in Waiting to Exit status.

  • Scheduled job did not run and the scheduler is not online. 

  • Scheduler

  • Scheduler Queue (mescheng) 

  • Entity Service Configuration 


The job did not finish running because the scheduler program was stuck in a Waiting to Exit, Sleeping or Shutdown status.


The Scheduler Engine should be in Online status. If it is anything other than Online, it will need to be restarted by TSM or TSM SaaS Support.

  1. To determine if the Scheduler is not online, navigate to the Scheduler Queue program either by searching or via the following path: System Administration > Scheduler Administration > Scheduler Queue.

  2. Scheduler Status, located at bottom of screen, should be Online.

  3. If the Status is Waiting to Exit, Shutdown, or Sleeping, create support case with OnPrem or SaaS TSM Support to restart the Scheduler.

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