Unexpected Error unsealing a bid - Due to unsupported file type

Description of Issue
  • Receive an Unexpected Error unsealing a bid in Bid Central 

  • System Log shows an error: An error occurred in the Tyler business service. Inner Exception Message: System.Exception: Error in method Tyler.Munis.Purchasing.Business.ProcessRoutines.BidProcessRoutines, UnsealAttachments ,An error occurred while attempting to unseal attachments - Exception: The request failed with HTTP status 415


Bid Management 


There is an unsupported file type in Vendor Bid Attachments 


Install the appropriate work ticket for your version:

  • 2021.8.0.1539 - MUN-473938

  • 2021.9.0.1417 - MUN-479126

  • 2021.10.0.1167 - MUN-479122

  • 2021.11.0.873 - MUN-479123

  • 2021.12.0.351 - MUN-479124

Workaround: Contact Enterprise EERP Assets and Civic Support to remove the attachments with the unsupported file type with a SQL script 

Additional Information

Known unsupported file types: 

  • .zip

  • .mht

  • .xlsm