Any user trying to access the Employee Master through Personnel Actions is getting an Access Denied Error

Description of Issue

When a user go to the Personnel Actions program and selects Detail for an action to access the Employee Master, they get the message even though their permissions give them full access to this program:

Access denied due to program security established by the System Administrator.


Enterprise ERP

Personnel Actions

Menu Settings


A custom menu was added to the Menu Settings program that included the program prmaster but no Parameters were set


Take these steps to locate the issue:

  • Go to System Administration > General Administration > Menu Settings.

  • Search on the Menu ID/Program ID for prmaster.

  • Look through each record to see if there are any with the Program ID is prmaster and the Parameters are blank.

  • If not needed these can by deleted by selecting Update first, then tab down to the line to use the delete. But if needed, you can define the appropriate parameter.

  • Save and select Apply Now in the ribbon to apply the change, users may need to login again to see the change.

Additional Information

Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with any follow up questions