Generate Retro Pay
Do I need to have a Payroll started to Generate Retro Pay?
Employee Maintenance
Employee Pending Retro Pay
Would like to Generate Retro Pay records into Process Retro Pay area.
Go to Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Pending Retro Pay, if there are records in the Generate Program there will be a box that pops up asking Would You Like To Generate Retro Now, click Yes. In the Generate screen, you can click update and check the box next to the records you want to generate, Accept. Click Execute, and then in Generate Retro Pay, define and click Accept. The records will be generated into Employee Pending Retro Pay. You can also see them in Payroll>Payroll Processing> Process Retro Pay.
You do not need to have a Payroll started in order to Generate Retro Pay Records into Employee Pending Retro Pay or Process Retro Pay. You do need to have a payroll started to Move the records from Process Retro Pay into Payroll Earnings and Deductions.