Default pay frequency for Employee Job Salary
Pay Screen in Employee Job/Salary populates the Pay Freq field with B-Biweekly instead of S-Semi-Monthly
Where does the Pay Frequency comes from when add job salary?
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Employee Job/Salary
Salary Tables
Job Class Master
Position Control
When adding a new Employee Job/Salary base pay record, the system will look for the Pay Frequency as follows:
If using Salary Tables and Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Min Grade defined in Position Control (Human Resources>Position Control and Budgeting>Position Control).Â
If not using Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Min Grade defined on Job Class Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master).
If not using Salary Tables but using Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from Salary Data tab of Position Control. Â
If not using Position Control, or do not have the Pay Frequency defined in Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Salary Data tab on Job Class Master.