Default pay frequency for Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue
  • Pay Screen in Employee Job/Salary populates the Pay Freq field with B-Biweekly instead of S-Semi-Monthly

  • Where does the Pay Frequency comes from when add job salary?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Salary Tables

  • Job Class Master

  • Position Control



When adding a new Employee Job/Salary base pay record, the system will look for the Pay Frequency as follows:

  • If using Salary Tables and Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Min Grade defined in Position Control (Human Resources>Position Control and Budgeting>Position Control). 

    • If not using Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Min Grade defined on Job Class Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master).

  • If not using Salary Tables but using Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from Salary Data tab of Position Control.  

    • If not using Position Control, or do not have the Pay Frequency defined in Position Control, the system will default Pay Frequency from the Salary Data tab on Job Class Master.

Additional Information