Project Segment Find in Time Entry History returns records that do not list Project Code

Description of Issue

Site is searching on a specific Project in Project Segment Find in Time Entry History in order to audit time worked for a specific project. When the results are pulled into a Browse screen, records are included that do not have that Project listed in the detail. 

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Time Entry

  • Projects

  • Allocations


The records that do not show also do not have any accounts listed in Time Entry Detail. This indicates that they were manually allocated, which will prevent any account or project from being displayed on the record. If they are being included when searching on the Project, one or more lines of the Manual Allocation used that Project.


To review the GL Allocation for the pay record:

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Start and Status.

  2. Search for Warrant. Click Accept. Click Change.

  3. Click on Earnings and Deductions.

  4. Search for Employee.

  5. Click Pay tab.

  6. Double click pay line.

  7. Click GL Allocation in tool bar. This will display the full allocation for the pay record and should show one or more lines including the Project. 

Additional Information

Payroll Detail History can also be used to search for and review pay records associated with a project code. 

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee History>Payroll Detail History.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter Project String. 

  4. Enter any other search criteria.

  5. Click Accept.Â