Bank Reconciliation Approval records - No way to identify the account

Description of Issue

When releasing a bank reconciliation approval record from Bank Reconciliation Manager, there is no way to identify the bank account 

HUB approvals card does not display detail information 

  • Bank Reconciliation Manager

  • Approvals

  • HUB



To get the maximum amount of information from a Bank Reconciliation Approval, users should be setup to approve through email, not through the HUB. 

Bank account number and approval period information will display in workflow emails.

Example email text:

Workflow has been generated for Bank Reconciliation Approval. Bank Account: XXXXXX. Approval period: Jun 1 2021 12:00AM to Jun 30 2021 12:00AM

Additional Information

If the approver is set to approve through the HUB, the user will have the ability to approve directly from the HUB card, but the record detail does not display for review.Â