Schedule Munis Refresh in Task Scheduler - OnPrem

Schedule Munis Refresh in Task Scheduler - OnPrem

Description of Issue

Need to schedule Munis data refresh to run automatically at a set time.


OnPrem Munis Database refresh



  1. Connect to Munis Application server as tylerservice

  2. Open Task Scheduler

  3. On the right, select Create Task

  4. In the General tab add Name and Description of task

    1. Ex: EERP Refresh Train

    2. Select Run whether user is logged on or not

    3. Check off Run with highest privileges

    4. Click OK

  5. Click the Triggers tab

    1. Click New

    2. Set the occurrence frequency, then the day and time for refresh to run

    3. Click OK

  6. Click the Actions tab

    1. Click New

    2. Action should be set to Start a program

    3. Set Program/script to the refresh script file path. Ex: D:\cmd\refreshtrain.cmd

    4. In the Add arguments field, enter the following without any spaces: -q

    5. In the Start in field, enter the cmd directory path. Ex: D:\cmd

    6. Click OK

  7. Click OK to finish creating task

  8. Enter Password and click OK

Additional Information