How to setup schedule jobs for Munis Entity Service Configuration

Description of Issue

How to automate the Entity Service Configuration synchronization between EERP (Munis) and Time and Attendance (ExecuTime)

  • Payroll

  • Entity Service Configuration

  • Scheduler

  • Pending Notifications


The Entity Service Configuration is setup, but no scheduled jobs have been created in EERP Scheduler Queue.

  1. Log into EERP as a user with menu access to System Administration

  2. Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > Entity Service Configuration

  3. Verify text in the top left reads, Notifications Currently Enabled

  4. Verify Subscriber Settings has Code and Description set to, ExecuTime (This is character and cases sensitive)

  5. Verify Subscriber Settings has lines with ID, Entity Type, Endpoint Type and Endpoint URL populated

  6. Click the Schedule command button on the Ribbon menu to open the Scheduler add window

  7. From the Scheduler window, click the Recur command to change the Scheduler Recurrence frequency

  8. Set Recurrence Pattern to Daily

    1. Define 15 (or desired interval) in the text box next to, Interval between Executions in Minutes. 

      1. This is not required if site wishes to have the entity service run once at one specific time each day.

  9. Set the value for Run at to your desired start time.

    1. 07:00:00 and 21:00:00 are some common options (before or after work hours)

  10. In Range of recurrence make sure option No end date is selected

  11. Click OK to save settings. This will return to the Scheduler screen

  12. Click the Notify command to open Scheduler Notifications

  13. On the first line set Event drop down to If job completes w/ error

  14. On the first line set the desired Recipient

  15. On the second line set Event to If job expires

  16. On the second line set desire Recipient

  17. Click the third line. Click Remove command button at the bottom

  18. Click OK to save your changes and return to Munis Scheduler window

  19. Click OK to save your scheduled job

Additional Information