Cashiering search errors due to many zero balance items

Description of Issue

When searching by customer or account, Cashiering search is slow or errors out.

Error performing search. Error encountered while performing item search in external system Munis

The request failed with HTTP status 400: Proxy error

  • Cashiering
  • v2021+
  • EERP (Munis)
  • Payment processing 

Customer or account has numerous historical paid bills. This causes Cashiering to time out when searching for all zero balance items. It can be confirmed that the customer has many paid bills by reviewing the customer's bill history in EERP. 


If zero balance items are not needed, this setting can be turned off for the Payment Type

Allow or Exclude Zero Balance Items in Cashiering

If zero balance items are needed for applying overpayments, zero balance items can be turned on or off as needed by the cashier. This requires that the cashier have permission to update their own preferences.

Adjust by User - Individual user adjusting their own settings

  1. In the top right corner, select your profile icon, then select Preferences
  2. Toggle Exclude zero balance items in search on or off
  3. Click Save

To decrease the amount of results, the Payment Type settings can be changed to only search items within the Payment Type.

  1. In Cashiering, go to Administration
  2. Payment Types
  3. Find desired Payment Type and click pencil icon to edit
  4. Under the Searching tab there are duplicate search criteria, for example Customer ID
  5. Read the small text below the search criteria to find which searches all items or items only within the payment type
  6. Toggle on or off the desired search criteria
  7. Click Save

Additional Information

Currently there is no functionality to filter search results by year. 

In Cashiering v2021.8.1, if zero balance items are added to the cart, any bills that remain at a $0 balance will drop off the transaction after proceeding to the Tender screen.