Paid Tax Statement Relevy write-off displaying WO instead of RL

Description of Issue

Paid Tax Statement displaying Overshort Write-offs as WO instead of RL.

  • NY Property Tax Billing 

  • Paid Tax Statements

  • Overshort Adjustment Process


Overshort Adjustment Process moved from a Payment Activity to an Adjustment as of 2017.1 and above. The Reason code did not migrate to the new tables structure from 11.3.


Overshort Adjustment Process Write-offs will display as RL instead of WO on the Paid Tax Statement if the reason code is setup as a Re-Levy Reason Code in Tax Settings > New York Additional Settings. If the Reason Code or Type column on the report is displaying as WO for migrated data, contact Enterprise ERP Tax Support for further assistance to correct.

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