Unable to update the Require budget detail flag for balance sheet accounts through global update

Description of Issue

User is trying to use Global Update to update the Require budget detail flag on balance sheet accounts and receives the error prompt

One or more fields on one or more records were not updated. Check error log for more information.

The System Log record reads

Org:XXXX Obj:XXXX Proj:XXXX no req buddet for bal sht or stat


Account Master



Work ticket MUN-463808 is open with Development to address the issue of not being able to use Global Update to check or uncheck Require budget detail for any balance sheet accounts, even if flagged as a Budgetary account

The workaround will be to have the user manually check or uncheck the flag on balance sheet accounts

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up/Chart of Accounts > Account Master

  1. Search for the account

  2. Update

  3. Check or uncheck Require budget detail

  4. Accept

Users may still use Global Update to change the flag for Expense and Revenue accounts

Additional Information

The Budgetary flag is not available to check on a balance sheet account unless the Control Account field is specified as Fund balance.

Require budget detail should not be checked on an account unless the Budgetary flag is checked, as this setting is intended for accounts that are being used within the Budget Processing module.

Please contact Enterprise ERP General Ledger Support for questions regarding the functionality of this setting.