How to Create and Activate W9 VSS Attachment types

Description of Issue

How to create/activate a W9 attachment type for VSS.

  • EERP

  • System Administration

  • General Administration

  • Attachment Types


VSS users need to attach required W9's during or after VSS registration.

  1. Go to System Admin>General Admin> Attachment Types

  2. Search by selecting Vendors for the Context/application field to make sure W9 doesn't already exist

  3. If exists set to Active and Required

  4. If it doesn't exist select Add

  5. Select Vendors for Context/application

  6. Add type W9

  7. Select Document Type APVendorW9 from field help

  8. Add check mark in Use in Search for Federal ID, Vendor Name, Vendor Number

  9.  Use field help in MUNIS Field and select Federal ID, Vendor Name, Vendor Number

  10.  Select Active and Required

  11. Select Accept to save

Additional Information

Additional attachments for vendors and VSS can be added using the same steps but selecting a different Doc Type and setting associated searchable fields