Clearing Disk Space on a TCM Server
What can I remove on my Content Manager server's drive(s) to free up space?
Disk Space
Server Maintenance
Clearing Disk Space
TCM server
Content Manager server
Server drive is running out of disk space
The following folders can be cleared out:
<drv>:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercm[env]\logs - Logs when Apache is restarted, something is attached to TCM, etc. Only needed if we are currently troubleshooting Apache issues.
We recommend clearing anything older than 30 days
<drv>:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercm[env]\HeadDump.hprof
The HeapDump.hprof file is used to diagnose specific problems around the time the file is created. Therefore, it can be safely removed when needed.
<drv>:\TylerTempBackups - Temporary backups from when work is being done
Anything older than 30 days can be removed
For troubleshooting purposes, we recommend keeping 3-6 months of old files
When clearing unneeded files, it is best to permanently delete them so they do not get sent to the Recycle Bin.
Hold down the Shift key, then delete the item normally. You can press the Delete key, choose the Delete button from the ribbon, or right-click > then click Delete
Are you sure you want to permanently delete these items? Click Yes
Alternatively, from the File Explorer ribbon, click the Delete dropdown, then select Permanently Delete