How to Apply Deposits to General Billing Invoice

How to Apply Deposits to General Billing Invoice

Description of Issue

How to apply deposits to a general billing invoice? 

  • Munis 

  • General Billing 

  • Apply Deposits




To apply deposits  navigate to Munis > General revenues> General billing>Collection Processing>Apply Deposits 

  1. Click Define.

  2. Complete the fields, as required. Refer to the Field Descriptions table for details.

  3. Click Accept.

  4. Click Select.
    The program displays the number of invoice records selected in the Records Selected box.

  5. Click View Selected to display the Review Deposits screen and the list of selected deposits.

  6. On the Review Deposits screen, change the amount allocated to each invoice by clearing the Apply check box to clear the allocation for that invoice. When the Apply check box is selected, the program allocates the minimum amount of currently unallocated deposits possible to the invoice.

  7. Click Allocate to edit the allocation for the invoice. On the Allocation screen, the invoice lines display, followed by all the deposit is applicable to the currently selected invoice line.

  8. Click Back to return to the Review Deposits screen.

  9. Click Back again to return to the Apply Deposits screen.

  10. Select an output option to print, save, or view the report.

  11. Click Process.
    The program displays a confirmation message.

  12. Click Yes to continue with the deposit application process or click No to cancel.
    If you click Yes, the program displays a report of the deposit amounts that were applied. You can also use the toolbar buttons to print or save the report to a file or export information to Word or Excel.
    The program displays the number of deposits applied in the Records Processed box.

Additional Information

The Apply Deposits program distributes deposits to general billing invoice or accounts receivable bill detail lines. The appropriate journal entries are created for each distribution of the deposit. The general ledger accounts used for such deposits are established in the Charge Codes program.

  • Munis personnel recommend that you run this program after posting a batch of invoices, but prior to printing those invoices or accepting any payments to them.

  • When you create payment records in this program, general ledger history records are created. These records are excluded in the Open AR by Revenue Account program.

  • Invoice Entry and Proof draws deposits existing for a customer and posts them to the current invoice batch.

  • When you clear a record on the Review Deposits screen and then select that record again, the program displays the correct amount to be applied. If the remaining amount is less than the unpaid balance, it becomes the remaining amount. If the remaining amount is greater than the unpaid balance, it becomes the unpaid balance.