Budget amendment BUA was created after Encumbered Contract was closed

Description of Issue

Budget amendment was created after a Contract was Closed or a Change order was made to reduce the contract line. Why?


Munis EERP

Contract Management


Auto-Decrease CFWD budget in Contract Settings is enabled


These BUA entries are generated when the setting below is enabled and a an Encumbered Contract (that has rolled from the previous year) is closed or the line is reduced via change order. These entries can be deleted if they're not needed, and the setting below can be changed if these entries should never be generated:

Financials > Contract Management > Set up > Contract Settings

Auto-Decrease CFWD budget

Additional Information

The amount of the BUA typically ties out to what the CFWD Revised amount was on the contract line, and relates to the last Roll amount of the contact, which can generally be seen within the Contract Audit