Error AR Transfer Clearing Account has not been defined

Description of Issue

Unable to complete process due to the error appearing AR Transfer Clearing Account has not been defined. Accounts Receivable Setting Transfer Clearing Account must be defined before running this program.

  • Utility Billing

  • Apply Credits/Deposits

  • Transfer of OverPayments

  • Transfer of Payments

  • Payment Redistribution


In Munis versions 2018 and higher some processes use a Clearing account when transferring amounts between financial accounts. If the Transfer Clearing Account is not populated after upgrading to version 2018 or higher users may receive this error.


Populate the Transfer Clearing Account  - this can be done with the following steps

  1. Navigate to General Revenues or Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable Settings

  2. Select the Other Options tab.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Enter Transfer Clearing Account.

    • This is a Liability account determined by the site.

  5. Click Accept

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