How to use North Carolina Garnishment Processing
Steps on how to use the North Carolina Garnishment Processing program
Enterprise ERP (powered by Munis)
North Carolina Tax
Garnishment Processing
Garnishment Processing processes garnishments and creates garnishment notices that can be served to customers with outstanding bills.
Navigate to Property Revenue > Property Tax Billing > South > North Carolina > Collection Processing > Garnishment Processing
Click Define.
Complete the fields, as required.
Click Accept.
Click Select.
Click Print or Save to print or save a report of garnishment information to a file, or use the Word or Excel button to export the information directly into Microsoft Word Mail Merge or to Excel.
To maintain garnishments or print garnishment notices, click Notices to display the Garnishment Notice Detail screen, where you can maintain the unprinted garnishment notices. You must create and select garnishment records prior to maintaining the notices.
Bill Inquiry has a Garnishment option that will also direct users to Garnishment Processing. Use the above steps if you use this option to get to Garnishment Processing.