Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

Description of Issue

How to do a Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import 

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import



Navigate to General Revenues > Payment Processing > Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

  1. Click Define.

  2. Complete the fields, as required. Refer to the Field Descriptions for details.

  3. Click Accept.

  4. Click Import.

  5. Click List Errors.
    The program displays the Output dialog box, allowing you to create a report of any errors that occurred during processing.

  6. Click Output-Proc.
    The program displays the Output dialog box, allowing you to create a payment report and receipts.

  7. Complete the Output dialog box.
    The program displays a post confirmation message.

  8. Click Yes to post the payments; click No to cancel.

Additional Information

The Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program imports and processes income tax revenue collected through the F-One State Income Tax System. You can import and process vehicle sticker information and payments using the Vehicle Sticker Payment Imports program.

The Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program accepts import files in the single line format as well as the multiple line format. The program allows you to import miscellaneous payments from a csv file. You must ensure that the csv file meets the Miscellaneous Cash Import file layout format.