Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

Description of Issue
  • Would like to know how to run the Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program.

  • Need to know how to import a Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import file.

  • Accounts Receivable

  • General Billing

  • Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import (armsimpt)


Miscellaneous Payments need to be imported. 

  1. Navigate to the Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program either by searching or via the following path: General Revenues > Payment Processing > Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

  2. Click Define.

  3. Leave the Execute this report option set to Now

  4. Choose Today, Yesterday, or Specify Date for the Entry date

    1. If Specify Date was selected, then enter the desired Entry date.

  5. Choose the desired Department if necessary. 

  6. Enter a Deposit for the batch if desired. 

  7. Choose Current year, Prior year, or Specify year in the Fiscal year field. 

    1. If Specify year was selected, then enter the desired year.

  8. Choose Today or Specify date for the GL effective date. 

    1. If Specify date was selected, then enter the desired GL effective date.

  9. Choose a Misc loc/dept if desired. 

  10. Choose the desired Import method. (Note: For the vast majority, this will be STANDARD). 

  11. Optionally, select the magnifying glass icon next to the Attachment path field and locate a file of attachments that need to be attached to the receipt batch in Tyler Content Manager (TCM). 

  12. Select the magnifying glass icon next to the Import path field.

  13. Click the Drop file here or click to upload. box. 

  14. Select the import file from the computer's file directory.

  15. Click Open. 

  16. Once the import file loads, click Accept.

  17. Click Import.

    1. If errors occur, click List Errors to view the errors and resolve the issues before proceeding.

  18. Select Print, Display, PDF, or Save to generate a report of imported payments. 

  19. Review the generated report for accuracy. 

  20. If the report is correct, select Output-Proc.

  21. Choose an Output type for the report, Munis printer, Save, PDF, or Display. (Note: Save is always recommended as there is no way to re-generate a report if the Print, PDF, or Display option fails.)

  22. Click OK.

  23. A message appears: Do you wish to process these payments and create a Munis Miscellaneous Payments Batch?

  24. Select Yes to proceed and No to cancel. 

  25. After processing, the Processing summary should update with the number of Payments processed and the Batch total. Confirm that this matches the report generated earlier. 

  26. The payment batch now exists in the system and can be posted to the General Ledger from the Payments Journal program: How to post a payment batch in Payments Journal

Additional Information
  • For guidance on how to create an import file, errors or issues that may be experienced, and all other resources related to the Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program, please see: Master Article - Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import

  • The Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program imports and processes income tax revenue collected through the F-One State Income Tax System. You can import and process vehicle sticker information and payments using the Vehicle Sticker Payment Imports program.

  • The Miscellaneous Cash Payments Import program accepts import files in the single line format as well as the multiple line format. The program allows you to import miscellaneous payments from a csv file. You must ensure that the csv file meets the Miscellaneous Cash Import file layout format.