How to use Transfer of Payments program

How to use Transfer of Payments program

Description of Issue

How to transfer a payment.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Transfer of Payments

  • Versions 2021+


User applied the payment to the wrong bill.


Navigate to Property Revenues or General Revenues  > Payment Processing > Transfer of Payments

  1. Click Add to create a new batch, additionally enter your batch entry datedepartmenteffective dateGL Effective date and year/period as needed.

  2. Click Accept.

  3. Search for the payment you want to transfer. Click Accept.

  4. Click the Transfer option in Toolbar

  5. In the Transfer Options window, input your reason code. Click Enter.

  6. In the Allocate to Bill screen, input the Category, Bill Year, Bill Number, and Payment Amount you want to transfer to the Bill.

  7. If you want add more bill records to allocate the payment to, click Add.

  8. Make sure the information is correct, and Click Accept.

  9. A message will appear Are you sure you would like to process these payments? Click Yes.

  10. Click Return to get back to the Transfer of Payments Header screen. 

  11. Click Output-Rel to release the batch to the Payments Journal for posting.