How To Use Apply Credits Deposits

How To Use Apply Credits Deposits

Description of Issue

How do I use the Apply Credits/Deposits program to move credits between bills?

  • Munis


  • Utility Billing

  • Apply Credits/Deposits




The Apply Credits/Deposits screen allows you to apply credits or deposits to other bills within an account.

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Special Processing > Apply Credits/Deposits

  2. Select Define from the Ribbon

  3. Fill out Apply section

    • Date and Charge year are required fields

  4. Fill out General ledger posting

    • Effective date, Year, Period and Reference are required fields

  5. Select your preferred Processing options

    • Transfer credits to bills - If selected, the program transfers credit bills (overpaid bills) to bills with balances. Credits are applied to the last bill processed according to any established payment order. If you do not select the check box, overpaid bills are not processed. If only one bill is selected, no processing occurs.  Select this check box to apply overpaid bills to bills with balances.

    • Transfer customer credits across multiple accounts - If selected, the program transfers credits for a single customer across multiple utility accounts.

    • Apply deposits to bills - If selected, the program transfers deposits or deposit interest to bills with balances. Deposits are applied to the last bill processed according to any established payment order. If you do not select the check box, deposits are not processed. You must select this check box if you did not select the Transfer Credits to Bills check box.

    • Forgive interest - If selected, the program forgives or waives interest when the program applies credits or deposits.

    • Select and apply across all UB categories - If selected, the program applies credits across utility billing account categories.

  6.  Select GL Consolidation preference

  7. Fill out Process by criteria

    • Determines how the program processes credits or deposits. When you select an option, you can identify a range of values within that category to which to apply the amounts.

  8.  Accept

  9. Click Select

    • A popup may occur stating Bills Need Redistribution.  The selected accounts and customers have X bill(s) needing redistribution. Running the Payment Redistribution program will correct this.
      Would you like to stop the selection process? If this message appears Payment Redistribution must be run for the impacted bill(s) before a credit can be transferred from it.

    • If no bills require the running of Payment Redistribution you will be presented with a list of Amounts to Apply.

  10. Verify Amounts to Apply 

    1. click Accept to continue with the selected amounts

    2. click Cancel to return

  11. Click Execute

  12. When the Output screen pops up fill out your Output type, Report title, Output style, and Output options

  13. Click OK

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