Post Projection Salary Tables to Live Environment

Description of Issue

Salary Tables were created during the Projection process, and need to now be posted to the Live Environment.

  • Salary and Benefit Projections

  • Projection Start and Status

  • Salary Tables



The Projection Process allows users to post Projection Salary Tables to the Live Environment through the Post Data to Payroll step of the Projection.

  1. Navigate to Projection Start and Status (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Salary and Benefit Projections > Projection Start and Status)

  2. Click Define

  3. Select Salary Tables from the Post Type list

  4. Click Proof-Post

    1. If the program encounters errors, it displays an Errors Dialog box that allows you to print the errors. Click Yes to print the report using the Output dialog box.

      1. If errors exist, correct and complete the procedure again

Additional Information