EERP Temp File Filling Up With PDF Files
On our EERP application server, the C:\Users\tylerservice\AppData\Local\Temp directory has filled up with thousands of PDF files. It looks like every time a user exports EERP content to PDF, the tylerservice account creates a copy to this temp folder. Can we remove these files?
- Temp directory
These temp files are produced by Windows during processing. They are created under tylerservice because that account runs the GAS application pools, and that folder is used for staging files for creation. Once they are created, they go into temp directories under the specific environment.
The files located in C:\Users\tylerservice\AppData\Local\Temp are safe to delete.
We do not have anything that would automatically clean up this directory but, like any temp file, we recommend that you clear any that are older than the last server reboot.
The actual Munis Temp file locations for each environment can be found here: