Program stopped at gbinvent_inven1 error when posting GB Invoices

Description of Issue

When posting a batch from Invoice entry and Proof (gbinvent), an error is encountered.

Error Message:  program stopped at  gbinvent_inven1.gbinvent_generateInvoice: CALL TO BillManager.createBill FAILED

  • Munis 

  • General Billing

  • Invoice Entry


User trying to post GB invoice that has a particularly long description, over 512 characters in the For/Location field.


Navigate to Munis menu > General Revenue > General Billing> Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry and Proof

  1. Click Browse, locate and double click the Batch.

  2. Click Resume.

  3. Click Update, locate the For/Location field and Update the comment to Less than 512 Characters.

  4. Click Accept 

  5. Click Output Post.

Additional Information