Report for Posted and Unposted Receipts

Description of Issue

Need a report of posted receipts and unposted receipts

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payments Report 



To Create a Report Navigate to Munis > General Revenues> Accounts Receivables > inquiries and Reports > Payments Reports

  1. Click Define.

  2. Complete the fields, as required. Refer to the Field Description table for details.

  3. Click Accept.
    The Receipts Selected box in the Results group indicates the number of receipts selected.

  4. If you selected In Background (Now) or At a Scheduled Time on the Execute This Report list, the program displays the Munis Scheduler screen, where you can complete processing details; if you selected Now from the Execute this Report list, click Select, and then use the output options on the toolbar to print, save, or view the report.
    After processing, the Records Printed and Batches Printed fields in the Results group update to reflect the number of records included.

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