Print Receipts using ReadyForms

Print Receipts using ReadyForms

Description of Issue

Printing receipts using Munis Payment Entry and ReadyForms

  • Munis
  • Payment Entry
  • Accounts Receivable Settings - Cat Specific Settings
  • ReadyForms

  1. Process payment (either Miscellaneous or against an existing Bill)
  2. On the Tender Payment screen select Output Summary Receipt or Output Individual Receipt
  3. In the Printer field select a printer
    Note: the printer needs to be defined, but the printer defined in the delivery definition will override the printer selected on this screen
  4. Click Complete Transaction
  5. On the Output screen choose the ReadyForms radio button, then select the appropriate Delivery Definition from the list.
  6. Click Ok
Additional Information

Prior to processing in Payment Entry receipt output needs to be set to XML. 

Setup for Individual Receipts is found is this KCS Article: Cash Receipts in XML Receipt Format

Setup for Summary Receipts is found on this KCS Article: Summary Cash Receipts in XML Receipt Format