Find Unposted Accounts Receivable Receipts

Find Unposted Accounts Receivable Receipts

Description of Issue

Need to find unposted accounts receivable (AR) receipts. 

  • Accounts Receivable 

  • Unposted Activity

  • Unposted Batches 

  • Unposted Receipts

  • General Billing 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Community Development and Business License

  • Utility Billing 


AR receipts were created but never posted to the general ledger. 

  1. To follow the resolution in this article, the user must have menu access to the Receipt Inquiry program. 

  2. Navigate to the Receipt Inquiry program either by searching or using the following path: General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Inquiries and Reports > Receipt Inquiry 

  3. Click Search

  4. Any of the fields (year, category, or activity for example) can be filled out to narrow the results if desired. (Note: Full field descriptions are available by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right hand corner and then selecting Help.) 

  5. Click Batch Status and select the boxes for 10 - In Proof/Initial, 20 - Pending Approval, 30 - Approved

  6. Click Accept

  7. Any results that return are unposted receipts. 

  8. The Created By Program field provides information about which program was used to create these adjustments. Use this information to find and post the unposted adjustments appropriately for each program. 

Additional Information

If further assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the category of the unposted receipts (e.g. Categories 01-02, General Billing, Categories 20-40, Tax, Categories 60-63, Utility Billing, etc.).