Import Journals Pre Edit Errors - Project String Type: E Invalid project String

Description of Issue

A pre-edit error is returned when importing a file through Import Journals:

ERROR      Row:        X   Project String Type: E: Invalid project string.  

  • Using Standard Excel Import
  • If the Project String values from the import file are removed, the file imports successfully.
  • Import Journals
  • Project Settings


First, confirm the import file does not contain non-breaking spaces. See: Invalid project string error in Import Journals when value contains non-breaking spaces

If none are found, then check the formatting of the Project String values in the import file. The length of each segment must match the segment length definition as defined through the Project Settings Program.

  1. Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Set Up > Project Settings
  2. Project Strings tab
  3. Make note of each segment defined, and it's size. The string segments in the import file must match these defined sizes. 
  4. If a segment in the import file contains less characters than the maximum size value, extra spaces must be included until that segment reaches the max size. 
    1. Example (this example assumes the site's segment delimiter is set to '-'):
      1. Segments 1-4 are defined with size = 10 in Project Settings. 
      2. Project string from import file throws the invalid project string error: HLT23PHEP-HLT23PHEP-SUPPLIES-POSTAGE
      3. The first segment 'HLT23PHEP' is only nine characters long. So an extra space needs to be added for this segment. Repeat this process for each segment.
      4. The adjusted string should appear as follows in the import file: HLT23PHEP -HLT23PHEP -SUPPLIES  -POSTAGE​​​​​​​ 
  5. After adjusting import file, save the file. 
  6. Close out of the Import Journals program and re-open. 
  7. Verify you can now import successfully. 

Additional Information