How to register users fingerprints on TouchTime clocks

Description of Issue

How to register fingerprints for end users on TouchTime clocks

  • Time and Attendance
  • ExecuTime
  • TouchTime clocks


  1. Ensure that the end user that will be registering other end users fingerprints is a supervisor - Permission To Enroll Fingerprints For TouchTime Clocks
  2. Supervisor should log into the timeclock in question. 
  3. Select Enroll Employee
  4. Enter the employee's badge number and tap Select
  5. Tap Enroll
  6. Have the end user place their finger on the Finger Scan/Biometric reader.
    1. See additional information below about getting a good scan
  7. A message will display showing Scan Complete.
  8. To make sure the scan was good, tap Verify and have the employee place the same finger on the Biometric reader. 
  9. A message will display showing Verified.
  10. Repeat steps 5 - 9 to enroll another finger.
  11. Tap Delete to remove the scan and try again or to remove an employee from the system. 
Additional Information
  1. Good prints are well centered, the ridges are well defined and the sensor is covered properly. 
  2. Thumb and pinky fingers are BAD choices to use as a fingerprint. 
  3. Recommend quality scan is at least 80. Anything lower, print should be rescanned.

Common reasons for poor sampling:

  1. Finger movement while sampling
  2. Finger not positioned properly
  3. User might be pressing too hard
  4. User might not be pressing hard enough
  5. Finger too moist or wet
  6. Finger too dry
  7. Damaged or burnt fingerprints

There are a small number of people where the biometric reader will not read a person's print due to damaged or burnt prints, or continuous bad reads.

These users will have to login to the timeclocks a different way as there isn't a way to force the biometric reader to read these kind of fingerprints.