Statutory exemptions are not applying the up to double rule during the first year they are applied to a parcel

Description of Issue
  • When a statutory exemption that can increase over time to double its base amount is applied to a parcel for the first time, the base amount is being used when it should instead attempt to lower the current year bill as close to the last year bill amount as it can.

  • Boston bills are not calculating on parcels during their first year of gaining a statutory exemption.

  • Abatement Entry not calculating the up to double statutory exemptions properly on the first year of the exemption.

  • Enterprise ERP (Munis)

  • Massachusetts Property Tax Billing

  • MA Tax

  • Abatement Entry

  • txabtent



Development is researching the issue. As a workaround, the abatements can be calculated by hand and manually updated in Abatement Entry to the desired amounts.

Additional Information