Post it notes not showing up on purchase orders

Description of Issue

The post it notes are entered in Munis successfully and show up in the datafile exported from Munis, but are not showing up on the Enterprise Forms purchase orders when processed.

  • Enterprise Forms (ReadyForms)

  • Enterprise Forms Template Configuration Page (ReadyForms Template Configuration Page)

  • Enterprise ERP (Munis)

  • Purchasing


The standard Enterprise Forms purchase order template contains toggles that manage what data is or is not shown on the form, and the template can be modified to show the post it notes field on the form.


To show the post it notes field on the purchase orders when processed/printed, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Forms Template Configuration Page (ReadyForms Template Configuration Page) and open the PO template(s) that needs the change

  2. In this page, navigate to the Data Display Options tab

  3. Scroll down until you reach the Include purchase order post it note toggle, switch that toggle on, and click Save

Once that toggle is turned on, the post it notes should now appear on the PO forms. 

Please note, if multiple templates are set up (ie. one for printing, one for archiving/emailing, etc.), follow these steps for each template where you'd like the description fields to show up.

Additional Information