Munis Mobile -1 Unauthorized 401

Munis Mobile -1 Unauthorized 401

Description of Issue

Error loading reference data. One or more errors occurred. ( The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized: Munis returned: "500/Internal Server Error" )

  • Munis Mobile
  • MyWork
  • Field Sheet

Two root causes have been identified for introducing this issue.

  1. Mismatched Secrets
    Occurs primarily when updates are applied via the MIU.
    SP17 introduced a new service for Munis/Genero to validate the token issued by TylerID. This service is failing to validate the token thus causing the 401 Unauthorized. This is because the new Munis Mobile values in OpenIDConnect.config have an incorrect Client Secret. Mobile's ClientSecret in the OpenIDConnect.config should match the ScopeSecret in the Mobile's AppSettings.

  2. Incorrect User Claims
    Prior to June of 2021 updating Munis Mobile User Claims was not included on the Tyler Identity Integration documentation for ADFS flips.
    On the Web server <MunDrive>\inetpub\tylerroot\{Env}\munismobile{Env}\AppSettings.config has been found to include the incorrect user_claim value.

Please create a case with TSM Support for further assistance in the Support Portal.