Export Journals- custom template using Gross No Decimal Point not removing decimal from output or adding leading zeroes

Description of Issue
  • Exporting a journal with a custom template with Gross No Decimal Point selected, but output amounts show decimal.

  • Leading zeroes are not auto-filling before amounts.

  • Need amounts without decimal in Export Journals


Export Journals



The Format option selections can be used in Export Journals to prompt your output to have no decimal and to fill leading zeroes in amounts.

General Ledger Menu> Journal Entry/History> Export Journals

1. Click Custom Templates
2. Choose your template
3. Click Update template
4. Select Gross No Decimal Point  
5. Click Format 
5. For Justification, select Zero-fill leading digits
6. For Decimal places, select 0
7. Click Ok
8. Select Save 

Additional Information