No document types displayed under Choose Document Type in CM HTML Viewer

Description of Issue

When clicking the paperclip and trying to upload a document, none of the Document Type options are listed under the Choose Document Type screen, despite permissions being in place

Also receiving a spinning message stating obtaining lock for Document...when attempting to view a previously uploaded document

  • Content Manager 
  • CM
  • HTML Viewer
  • Document Types 

There may be an issue with the web browser cache. 


If possible ask the user to open a browser in Incognito mode to log in and see if mappings display in the Choose Document Type list.
If this works we would like to coordinate a time to have a CM Development Engineer conntect to troubleshoot browser caching issues that occur after a CM update. Please create a case through the Portal. 
If the above is not possible, on each users' workstation, clear the browser cache, specifically for a duration of 'All Time,' for the designated browser being used.Â