Abatement statuses and their impact
Abatement statuses and their impact
Description of Issue
Abatements exist in multiple lifecycle statuses resulting in different impacts to the bill and GL. Each status also allows different actions to be taken.
- Property Tax Billing
- Abatement Entry (txabtent)
A breakdown of the different Abatement statuses and how that status impacts what can be done with the entered abatement is requested.
- Not GL or Bill Posted: The abatement appears in Abatement Entry and has a N in the Bill updated field indicating that it has not been bill posted. . The abatement does not show on the bill in Bill Inquiry or on the GL. The abatement can be voided with the Delete button or have the charges updated with the Update button. No more abatements can be entered for the same bill until the existing abatement is voided or GL posted.
- Steps to delete a non-GL or bill posted abatement can be found here: Void an abatement that has not been Bill or GL posted
- Steps to update the charges can be found here: Change or Update an Abatement Amount
- Bill Posted: The abatement appears in Abatement Entry and has a Y in the Bill updated field indicating that it has been bill posted. The abatement will show on the bill in Bill Inquiry but not on the GL. If the abatement is incorrect or needs to be removed, the abatement will need to be undone or reversed (can be done in same batch) using the Undo Abatement button. No more abatements can be entered for the bill until the original abatement and the reversal are GL posted. Steps to undo or reverse a Bill Posted abatement can be found here: Reverse or Undo Bill Posted and GL Posted Abatements
- Voided: The abatement appears in Abatement Entry and has been voided prior to Bill or GL posting. It will have a Y in the Voided field. It will not show up on the bill or GL. Another abatement can be entered for the same bill.
- GL Posted: The abatement does not appear in Abatement Entry, but will show up in Bill Inquiry and on the GL. Will need to be reversed in an existing Abatement Entry batch using the Undo Abatement button. Steps can be found here: Reverse or Undo Bill Posted and GL Posted Abatements
Additional Information
- For additional resources, please see: Master Article - Abatements
- If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.