Posted or unposted abatement or adjustment warnings for every bill in a specific bill year in Abatement Entry

Description of Issue
  • When entering abatements, warnings about posted or unposted abatement(s) or adjustment(s) are being given for every bill in a specific bill year. 
  • There is X bill and/or GL posted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) that already exists for this bill. Do you wish to view a list of these records?
  • Property Tax Billing
  • Abatement Entry (txabtent)

There can be multiple causes for this issue. 

  • If the warning is referencing bill and/or GL posted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s), then there are bill and/or GL posted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) for the bills. 
  • If the warning is referencing unposted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s), then there are unposted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) that exist for the bills. 

Resolution for Posted Abatement(s) and/or Adjustment(s):

If the warning received states: There is X bill and/or GL posted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) that already exists for this bill. Do you wish to view a list of these records?

Then there are bill or GL posted abatements for every bill in that specific year. Most commonly, these are date adjustments made by the Mass Date Change process to update one or more installment dates on the bill. Yes can be selected to view the abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) or No can be selected to proceed with entering the Abatement. More information about this specific warning can be found here: There is X bill and or GL posted abatements and or adjustments that already exist for this bill warning in Abatement Entry

Resolution for Unposted Abatement(s) and/or Adjustment(s):

If an unposted abatement(s) and/or adjustment(s) warning is being received for every bill in a specific year, then it is possible that a bill run failed or a mass adjustment process failed and the adjustments need to be found and posted or voided by Support. 

Additional Information
  • Additional resources for working in Abatement Entry can be found here: Master Article - Abatements
  • If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â