Job Class Min, Max, Market not Updating Position Control

Description of Issue

In Job Class Master for Non Salary Table Job tied to Position Control and using Min, Max, Market to update the Min, Mid, Max Salary, the system is not updating the Position Control Record Min, Mid, Max.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • HR

  • Human Resources

  • Payroll

  • Position Control and Budgeting

  • Job Class Master

  • Position Control


Position Control Update Option was set to No in Personnel Settings

  1. Access Personnel Settings (Human Resources > Personnel Setup > Personnel Settings)

  2. Click Update

  3. Click the Position Control tab

  4. Set the Position Control Update option to O - OPTIONAL

  5. Click Accept

Additional Information

When Personnel Setting, Position Control Update is set to Optional, you get a Prompt in Job Class Master to Update Position Control, if you click Yes you get a Pop Up to define Effective Date of new Position Control Record with new Min, Mid, Max Rate.