Grant Master - Maintain Sub Grantee button is grayed out

Description of Issue

In the Grant Master program, while on the Pass Through Grants tab, the Maintain Sub Grantee(s) button is grayed out and cannot be used

  • Grant Master 

  • Project Accounting


Only grants managed on the General Ledger can be used as pass-through grants. 


The Maintain Sub Grantee(s) button is only available if the grant has been flagged to Manage using General Ledger. This option must be enabled on the initial add of a grant. 

  1. Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Projects within General Ledger > Grant Master

  2. Add

  3. Enable Manage using General Ledger option

  4. Fill out required information for new Grant

  5. Accept

The Maintain Sub Grantee(s) button will now be available for use for this grant on the Pass Through Grants tab

Additional Information