Cannot change the year in Customer Account Match

Cannot change the year in Customer Account Match

Description of Issue
  • Cannot change the Excise tax year in the Customer Account Match program for Motor Vehicle Excise billing. 
  • Year not changing in the Customer Account Match program for Motor Vehicle Excise billing. 
  • Cannot update year in the Customer Account Match program for Motor Vehicle Excise billing. 
  • MA Motor Vehicle (MV) Excise Tax
  • Customer Account Match (mmamatch)

The Excise tax year is automatically pulled from the Motor Vehicle Settings program. 

  1. Update the Excise tax year in the Motor Vehicle Settings program by following the steps outlined here: Change motor vehicle billing year
  2. Close the Customer Account Match program by clicking Close.
  3. Re-open the Customer Account Match program from the menu either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Motor Vehicle Excise > Billing > Customer Account Match
  4. The Excise tax year should now match what was entered into the Motor Vehicle Settings program in Step #1. 
Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.