Run a report of overtime hours by Calendar Year

Description of Issue

We need a report of overtime hours by Calendar Year

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee History

  • Accumulators Report


Auditors need report of overtime hours.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee History>Accumulators Report.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Enter Year. 

  4. Enter Overtime Pay Code(s)

    1. If codes are successive enter range with colon. Ex 200:210

    2. If codes are not in a successive range use the pipe between pay codes. Ex 200|210.

  5. Enter Frequency of Y-Yearly.

  6. Click Accept. 

  7. Click on Report Options.

  8. Click Update and select options for report.

  9. Click Accept and Back.

  10. Click PDF or Excel to create report.

Additional Information