Create Payment Plans

Create Payment Plans

Description of Issue

Steps on how to add a new Payment Plan

  • EERP
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Payment Plan (arlnmast)



Navigate to Enterprise ERP>General Revenue>Payment Processing>Payment Plan.

  1. Click Add.
  2. In the Reference box, type a reference number or click +1 to select the next available reference number for the payment plan.
  3. In the Customer box, type the account or ID number of the customer for whom to create the plan.
  4. Click Accept.
    The program displays a status of Inactive for the new plan.
  5. Click Add Bills.
    The program displays the Add Bills to Payment Plan screen, where you can search for and add the bills to include in the payment plan. Once you select bills, the program displays selected bills on the Bills tab. See the Add Bills to Payment Plan
     help content for more information.
    To view details of a bill in the Bill Inquiry program, select the bill and click View Selected Bill.
  6. To delete a bill from the list of bills on the Bills tab, select the bill and click Delete Selected Bill. You can only delete bills from inactive payment plans.
    The program displays a confirmation message.
  7. Click Yes to delete the bill or click no to cancel.
    If you click Yes, the program removes the bill from the list of bills on the Bills tab.
  8. Click Calculate to calculate and create the payment schedule.
  9. Click Create to create the payment plan.
    The program does either of the following:
  • If the Allocate Payments to Individual Bills checkbox is selected in the Payment Plan Settings program, which directs the process to post payments to the individual bills associated with the payment plan, the program displays a message when plan creation is complete. When you click OK to close the message, the program creates the payment plan and the bill, updates the value in the Bill Number box with the number of the new bill, and changes the status of the payment plan to Active.
  • If the Transfer Bill GL Balances to Payment Plan GL Balances checkbox is selected in the Payment Plan Settings program, which directs the payment plan process to transfer general ledger balances on bills to the payment plan general ledger balances, the program displays the Process Payment Plan screen, which you must complete to create the payment plan and bill. Once processing is complete, the program updates the value in the Bill Number box with the number of the new bill, and changes the status of the payment plan to Active.
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