Exemption Code GL Account Set Up

Description of Issue
  • An Abatement or Exemption code is hitting the Deferred Revenue Account or another incorrect General Ledger account.

  • Need to add or change the General Ledger account on an Exemption Code. 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Northeast 

  • Exemption Codes

  • Exemptions / Credits (txexcred)

  • Abatement Entry (txabtent)


During set up no account or the incorrect account was entered on the Exemption Code.

  1. Navigate to Exemption Codes by Searching or following the path:  Property Revenue > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > State > Assessor Setup > Exemption Codes

  2. Click Search.

    1. For an open search click Accept.

    2. Click Browse

    3. Click on the Code that needs to be updated from the list and click Accept.

      1. Alternatively enter the Code, Description or Short Description for the Exemption Code that needs to be updated, then click Accept.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Enter the correct Account information in the Account field.

  5. Click Accept.

Additional Information

If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support.